
Digger for demolition services
By Chris Long 29 Oct, 2019
The start of the process of work is how do you choose the right demolition company? Here are the top questions we are asked on a daily basis - Are they experienced? Any reputable company in the UK will make sure they meet Health and Safety regulations as well as providing the correct documentation to show their competence such as a relevant Method Statement and a detailed Risk Assessment What previous experience does the company have? Whilst lots of contractors may offer top quality work, has the business got previous years experience of working in the demolition industry? Always ask for previous work examples! Are they advising what you NEED? Every business should be able to advise the extent of work necessary (for example if a full demolition is really what is needed) do your research, build a rapport with the business. What happens with hazardous waste? This should be clearly stated in the method statement and risk assessment, any risks such as asbestos, mould or any other hazardous waste will need to be disposed of correctly for example the correct licensed skips and should be included in the price of the works. Asbestos Sheet Removal have a number of years experience in the industry, having the relevant licenses and contacts to get rid of asbestos and any other toxic waste to allow a job to run as smooth as possible. Call us today on 07771 900478 to book your free no obligation quotation appointment, available in the South West of Engalnd.
what is asbestos
07 Aug, 2019
Asbsetos - a group of minerals made of microscopic fibres, if inhaled, it can cause damage internally particularly to your lungs. The symptoms can take years to decades to come to light and can cause the following issues - - Non malignant pleural disease - Asbestosis - Asbestos related lung cancer - Mesothelioma Before the dangers of asbestos were known, it was used in buildings for insulation as well as being used in flooring, roofing and sprayed onto ceilings. The asbestos causes harm when activated (when disturbed) this allows the tiny fibres to be released and inhaled. Asbestos Sheet Removal take safety as number one priority and highly recommend that you get someone trained and qualified to remove any asbestos found. For more information on Absestos Sheet Removal and any other asbestos removal click here to contact us today
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